Layla Serik

I’ve always believed in God. I grew up with a family that believed in God, but we were lukewarm. However, our hearts were in the right place, in a way.

Over the years, I’ve been learning about different religions, but that journey led me right back to God. Around September of last year, I decided that I did want to be a Christian. I wanted to go to church and all that stuff, but I was still lukewarm.

What really changed was last week when I finally opened the Bible. I don’t know what it was, but something just changed in me. And then a couple of days ago, when I was scrolling on TikTok, I stumbled upon this one about God.

I’ve always heard people talk about how they felt the presence of God and how they felt that God was speaking to them, but that was the first time I felt that for myself. Watching that TikTok, I felt a presence and I knew it was Him.

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Guillaume M.