Hi, my name is Aliciana and I am 17 years old. I grew up with a very broken heart that I wasn’t able to face until just a couple of years ago. It was my normal. I had very messed up mentalities that brought me shame and condemnation. (MORE)
Hayden Griffith
Two years ago, I was only 15 years old and had been through a lot. I had gone through abuse and mistreatment, only getting out of it a few years before. I was a practicer of witchcraft, voodoo, and demonology. One night, I tried to summon a powerful demon...(MORE)
Layla Serik
I’ve always believed in God. I grew up with a family that believed in God, but we were lukewarm. However, our hearts were in the right place, in a way...(MORE)
Patricia Horelick
In my earlier life, I tried to give Jesus part of myself. I felt sure if I surrendered my whole life to Christ I would give up too much and I would be bored so I crossed that line many times…back and forth…until I accepted the fact that I had made so many mistakes…sins…things I will always be sorry for and I needed forgiveness and a new beginning… (MORE)
Shannon Nickelsen
I was going to Calvary Temple in my town & have been a believer all my life but never knew I was required to die to self.I was 40 yrs. old and realized I had been walking in the wilderness all my life and God was with me. He was with me in the valley & on the mountain top.I attended a retreat on forgiveness & realized I had a root of bitterness & a spirit of self-condemnation within me. I had to release this and give it all to my Lord & Savior. It began with forgiving myself… (MORE)