Jacqueline Zuccarello
My husband Sam and I have been High School Sweethearts from Freshman year on. We got married the year after we graduated from High School. Sam and I both got jobs, and he went into the National Guard. I always felt the Lord was watching over us and blessing us. A few years later, God blessed us with a wonderful, talented son, Nick. 3 years later, we had a beautiful baby girl, Michelle. And then, 1 1/2 later, we had a Son, Michael, who was born very premature, lungs collapsed, pneumonia, in intensive care for 3 weeks.
The Doctor didn't know if Michael would make it or not, but we kept praying to Jesus and so did everyone in our community. I'm proud to say, Michael has grown up...6'2, 200 lbs. and so very handsome. He is so good to us and God has been so extremely good to us.
Sam and I will be married for 50 years this June 16. I love the Lord with all my Heart, Mind and Soul. I can't imagine my life without Him, to calm my fears, because I know who holds the future. My Savior lives.