Ken Pohl

My testimony of the Lord Christ Jesus: I'm 56 years old, and was born and raised in Baltimore Maryland. I grew up in a home without a dad, but a God-loving home with a very loving and protective Mother. With support from loving family members, I went to church and Sunday School, and also Bible Study. As I grew older, I also grew out of God so to speak and started to grow into the world where I would remain until the Lord Jesus Christ pulled me from Darkness into Light on 6-29-20. I stand and hold tight to the promise that Jesus will never leave me nor forsake me because he said so in his word which can not come back void. All glory to our Lord and Savior who died on the cross at Calvary so our sins may be forgiven, and that we may have a way back to God the Father. Jesus said no one cometh to Father but through me: I am the way.
the truth, and the life. Amen.

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Keith Miller


Kuniyuki Ueda