Catherine Jolliffe
As a young child, I started attending local churches so that I could learn about the Saviour, and by the time I was eleven I began attending one regularly. At the same time I started to read my scriptures each day and began to learn and understand who my Saviour is, what He has done for me and each of His children, and how much I need Him in my life. It has been over 50 years since that time and the intervening years have taught me that He is always there, and that striving to follow His example each day is what brings peace and hope and purpose. Had I not had the knowledge that because of His Atonement, I can repent when I falter and make mistakes, I do not know how I would have coped with life. He is my greatest Friend, my King and Guide. I know He will one day come again to the Earth. Whether I see Him again on that great day or at the Judgement Bar, I look forward to when I can praise and adore at His feet. Until then, I hope I can help those without Him in their life to come to know and feel His love for them.