The Wonder of You

The scripture says that God is so involved in the lives of His creations that He notices the sparrow's fall, but even beyond that, consider the intricate detail with which He adorns something so unobserved and fleeting as a single snowflake...each one is unique, never to be replicated in exactly the same way again.

Now think of each of us, the greatest, and most personal of all His creations. He is involved in the most intricate details of our lives too. He notices our every thought, attends our every struggle, and celebrates even our simplest of triumphs.

By divine design, each and every one of us is individual and unique, an exclusive work of His own hands. And like a snowflake, there is great wonder and beauty in our singularity. You weren't meant to be like like anyone else. You were meant to be you.




“Go and Sin No More”


Why Your Heart is on Your Left