Anuri Mabel
I died for three days and woke up again. It’s 3 months now, from October 2024, and I’m writing my story as a testimony.
One afternoon, I felt trembling all over my body. I didn’t have a fever. I went by the pharmacy and explained my condition, and they gave me some tablets. That evening, I took a tablet and went to sleep. After a few hours, while deep in sleep, I heard people talking and carrying me.
Little did I know, it wasn’t a dream. I had started to lose my memory, and before long, I went into a comma. During this time, I was disconnected from the world. I was taken to a beautiful green garden with many different fruits. Someone asked me, “Have you seen these fruits in the land you’re from?”
I said no. I was taken all around the garden, and it was so beautiful. The person with me said that I had come from a far land. I felt someone touching my hand, calling me.
The touch was the doctors, just checking their patients in the hospital. That patient they touched was me. God woke me from that vision. I took medicine and slept, and I was again brought into that garden. This time, I was asked if I’d ever tested the fruits. I said no.
I was instructed to taste one and not to chew it but to savor the juice. It was so incredibly sweet. Then I was told, “Those who come here and eat this fruit never go back. They decide to stay to enjoy the fruit. Now that you’ve tasted the fruit but haven’t eaten go back and preach this gospel to all people. Tell them that there is a place to enjoy forever if they can become holy.”
By the time, I opened my eyes. I heard a prayer in the distance, being offered in faith. Someone shouted, “ Mabel, say amen! I’m your sister, Stella. Say amen!” So, even though they were in the distance, I said amen.
To my surprise, I had been in the hospital for three days. My entire body was in pain, especially the left side that I slept on. The doctors and patients in the hospital were all amazed at what God had done. Those who surrounded me with fear went out testifying on my behalf, saying, “ Mabel is for God”.
God says: A prayer of a righteous person is strong and effective. Amen.